Window and Glass Repair
Cracked Glass
We can repair the broken section of your window without replacing the complete window unit.
Failed Seals, water, ice and sunlight tend to deteriorate the insulation surrounding the glass, which will ultimately result in seal failure and condensation between the glass layers as well as non-approved glazing compounds and ultraviolet light beating directly down on the glass sealant.
Window and Door Replacement
We replace all types of glass products including:
Window Glass
Safety Glass
Laminated Glass
Storefront Glass
Glass Doors
Reflective Glass
Energy Efficient Windows
Energy efficient windows and replacement glass are essential for managing the energy costs of your home and office. Gillham's Glass uses state of the art glass in all of its replacement products.
We provide insulated glass to fit every opening. Call us to inquire about our wide variety of glass products. Need sound control? We have glass products that will meet all local building codes for high noise environments.
Upgrade your Windows
If you have an older home and want to upgrade your windows to the new energy standards please call us to discuss our full line of replacement windows. We provide free estimates.